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ABC ‘99 Schedule of Events
& Alternate Motels



Needless to say, the Holiday Inn FSK - the show site motel - was booked in a matter of hours on July 1, 1998 when reservations first opened. When we called recently, we found that the Holiday Inn Express was also booked. However, the kind reservation clerk at the HI Express referred us to two nearby motels, which at this writing (March 28), are still taking reservations for the week of May 9 - 14, 1999.

The Hampton Inn http://www.hampton-inn.com/
5311 Buckeystown Pike
Frederick, MD 21704 US
Ph: 301/698-2500
1-800-HAMPTON (426-7866

The Fairfield Inn http://fairfieldinn.com/WASFR/
5220 Westview Drive
Frederick, MD 21703
Phone: 301-631-2000
Fax: 301-631-2100

We did not ask about room rates or whether the motels accepted dogs, so the "buyer beware"! Good luck and we sure hope the ABC Site Selection Committee comes up with a better alternative soon!

From Joyce Campbell
Agility Committee Chairman

Monday, May 10, will mark a first for ABC: an Agility Trial. We were notified on Sunday, March 14, by the AKC that the ABC has been approved for a Trial. Robert Miller, Lincoln, Nebraska, will be our judge. Bob has experience in judging agility and also handles his own Boxers at Agility Trials. The Agility entry will be part of the ABC premium. Please pass the word along to others with Boxers competing in Agility that do not receive this bulletin. If you have any questions you may contact any of the three committee members via email or telephone.

Email addresses:
Cheri Bush - txboxerresq@mindspring.com
Ella DuPree - agileboxer@JUNO.COM
Joyce Campbell - boxrun@ix.netcom.com

Hope to see you in May!

Now, on with the show! This schedule was taken from the ABC web site, created and maintained by Cal Gruver. Where we had more recent information from a different source, we checked it with Cal for accuracy and inserted it here. If you are going to ABC especially to see a certain event, such as the Futurity, Health Seminar, or Obedience, etc., please note that there are a few conflicts and you may have to make some hard decisions about which event you want to see most.  

American Boxer Club

National Specialty 1999 Schedule



Sunday, May 9: 8:00 AM Obedience : Judge Mr. James Thomas Winn and Dr. William G. Wisecup. All obedience in the ballroom

Tattooing in conference room #183

Monday, May 10: 7:00 AM







Futurity: Judge Dr. William C. Truesdale. Futurity Puppy Classes, outdoors if possible

Heart testing, Dr. Neil Harpster, Monday through Friday. You need AKC registration name, number, & birthdate

Tattooing (location to be announced)

Agility Trial, outdoors following Futurity. Agility: Judge Mr. Robert Miller

10 AM: Am. Boxer Charitable Foundation Board meeting in conf. room #183

4:00 PM: ABC Board meeting, conf. room #183

Boxer Rescue meeting in Courtyard

8:00 PM: Top Twenty Competition (Cash bar), "Swell-elegant" dress required.

Tuesday, May 11: 7:00 AM




Futurity: Judge Dr. William C. Truesdale. Futurity Junior Classes, outdoors if possible

12:00 Noon Educational Seminar for Judges and Breeders

2:00 PM ABC Health Seminar, Dr. Wendy Wallner, Dr. Z. Bravo, and Dr. Kate Meurs

7:00 PM Cocktail Hour (cash bar), followed by Buffet Dinner Auction for Am. Boxer Charitable Foundation

Wednesday, May 12: 7:00 AM Specialty begins



Dogs - all; Bitches, 6-9 months and 9-12 months

Judges: Mr. Alberto Berrios for the dogs

Mr. David Abraham for the bitches

1:00 PM Lunch Holiday Inn (FSK) restaurant area, Top Twenty Committee

8:00 PM Annual ABC Membership Meeting in Ballroom, followed by Reorganizational Board Meeting in conf. room #183

Thursday, May 13: 7:00 AM



Balance of bitches - Judge Mr. David Abraham, Veteran Bitch, Stud Dog, Brood Bitches (only two of the get)

6:30 PM Cocktails (Cash Bar)

7:30 PM Annual Dinner

Friday, May 14: 8:00 AM Junior Showmanship Competition, Specialty Intersex, Awards of Excellence

Judge: Mr. David Abraham

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Editor: Virginia Zurflieh
Webmaster: Pat Mullen

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