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BU’s Boxer of the Month:

the Successful Boxer Rescue!

by Jennifer Hornsby,
Bay Area Boxer Rescue

Willy, a 1 year old flashy fawn male, came into BABR on 9/3/98. He had been hit by a car in Southern California. Animal Control had brought him to a vet’s office for treatment until the owners claimed him. Unfortunately, no owners came and Animal Control told the vet to euthanize him. A boxer loving human was notified by a friend that this dog was going to be euthanized and she started on her quest to get this dog help. She contacted rescues in her area and all were unable to help as they did not have the money for his surgery. She asked friends for money and nothing. She then started a search to find any rescue organization who would help. She contacted me via e-mail and after I had confirmed that she had exhausted all options, she drove him 8 hours up to us. During Willy’s transport I went to work trying to raise the money to help him as we had seen the preliminary vet reports and knew that this surgery best case would cost $1000 and worst case $1500. There was no way we could afford this but I had to help this dog somehow as I knew he didn't deserve the hand he was dealt (not that any of the rescue dogs do). I immediately sent e-mails to the Boxer Mailing List and the Boxer Rescue List. These great people started e-mailing back telling me they were sending money. Finally I could breathe again!

Upon his arrival we took Willy to our orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Mavehumphries, and our vet, Dr. Mundh, to take a look at him. We found out that this was not a simple break, but would require a plate and pins - the expensive route. With the pledges I had received from the e-mail list, I had about $800 at this point and we decided we were going to go for it and worry about the rest of the money later. Willy’s surgery took several hours, but was ultimately successful. Willy was on limited activity for several days, and boy, try to keep a 1 year old boxer down! He successfully jumped out of the exercise pen (5' tall) twice, just so he could get near the other dogs! We were stressed about the money, or lack thereof, for many days, but kept getting more and more pledges and eventually got up to about $1100 in donations. The American Boxer Rescue Association in the end donated from their "emergency fund," and we were out only $400 by the time Willy had been treated completely. What a difference that made to our stress levels. Thank you to all who donated and sent well wishes!

A week post-op, Willy’s recovery was going very well and the vet said we could release him into a nearby foster home, but we found something better than that - a very loving family adopted him! They are only a few minutes away by car, have no other dogs (but a very tolerant cat) and a boxer loving toddler! They are all very happy to have Willy (now known as "Buster William") and he is getting around like a normal dog now. He frequently tongue bathes the toddler and cat and kidney beans on a regular basis. They all go on walks together daily (not the cat though) and Willy - er, Buster William - loves to go in the car. I am so surprised that this dog’s owner did not come for him when he was at the vet’s. But it's their loss and Lisa and Steve Cundall's gain! This is one rescue boxer that has found his home for life.

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Willy, The Rescue
Farewell to Audrey
Cultural Differences
Breeding to Improve
Bobtail Story Part 2
Don't Buy that Puppy
Canine Cuisine
Osborn Saga
Boxer Bytes
Bear Speaks

Editor: Virginia Zurflieh
Webmaster: Pat Mullen

Contact Virginia
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Last Revised: 04/22/00

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