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July 1,1999    9:00 A.M.
Call Holiday Inn - FSK for ABC 2000
Room Reservation, (301) 694-7500

Hughes/Horne ABC Kick-Off Party '99

Figure 8 - ABC '99 Obedience

Agility '99 at ABC

The food line at the kick-off party.

Click to enter the Underground
The American Boxer Club, Inc.

Hedy's girlish figure

Dick Baum presenting the 'Dick Baum Award' to Eleanor Linderholm-Wood

Kick-off party begins

ABC '99 Trophy Table


August 1998
October 1998
December 1998
February 1999
April 1999
June 1999
August 1999
October 1999

Editor: Virginia Zurflieh
Webmaster: Pat Mullen

Contact Virginia
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Last Revised: 04/04/00

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